Sunday, July 20, 2008

First Blog

Why did I decide to write a blog?
I thought it would be a good thing to write about my life and the exepience of being a mom.
See, what many young women who want children do not realize is that once that sweet beautiful baby is here in your arms, it does not stay that way. That sweet beautiful baby grows into a toddler, a preschooler, a kid, a teen and then an adult just like everyone else. That adult is still your child but the easy problems of childhood are not so easy to solve any more. The days of time-out, on restriction, or even a spank on the butt are long gone. You can no longer save them when they fall, all you can do is stand by and watch them as they get closer and closer to the cliff. You can try pulling them back and sometimes you are successful, but not always. The hardest part of being a mother for me is having to stand by and see the mistakes your adult child makes and be able to do nothing. Oh, advice is well and good, just not always heard.
I look back on those long ago days of my childhood and teen years and compare them to the way my daughter grew up. Times have really changed. There is no comparison. Just like the kids growing up today. Have you heard the saying, "Kids are born grown today?" Its true!

Anyway, here it is Sunday night and I am waiting for my daughter to answer a text message. She has been somewhere (I have no earthly idea where) with her newest date for the last 24 hours and I need to know when she is coming back into town. She has my car and I have her dog. It is time for a trade!

I will try one more time to get a hold of her and then I will strart stressing out as usual.


_-*Kristen*-_ said...

i love your husbands poem.

Michael Troy said...

Leslie, I am your cousin Troy Jackson. JJ sent me a link to your blog. You really have a way with words. Great Blog.

Miss Building Blocks said...

Ha! You sound identical to my mother, about the whole stressing out thing! You write nicely about your experiences as being a mother! I should get my mother hooked to blogging, something to do in her spare time so that she can tell the world how wonderful, yet stressful her 20 y/o daughter can be!