Friday, September 26, 2008

What A Week!

So every week I have I have been checking the job boards and sending out my resume. I have been doing this for at least six weeks. Well it finally paid off. I landed another state position and all my benefits will transfer over. I will not loose my retirement (not so sure about AIG-Valic). My position is the Administrative assistant to the Director at the Veterans Cemetery here in my home town. Will I miss where I have been for the last 15 1/2 years...NO.

The other news is my daughter rented out her house, and found another place to live...not across the water as she first planned. She is moving in with Little Shit and his brother and taking my Granddog with her. I told her I get the dog at least once a week. I have also been driving her piece of crap car for almost three weeks. Tomorrow she takes check in hand and will be driving home her Lexius. (LA DE DA!) MUST BE NICE!!!

It will be real interesting to watch how things go over the next year. I hope I do not have to kick his ass!!!

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