Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dad Test

I just got back from my daughter's house. Guess who was there? Yep...Dickweed Jr.

My husband and I had been out to eat dinner and before we left the restaurant I gave her a call and asked her if we could stop by for a little bit as I had a new bag of dog food for her only grandchild (the only one we will ever likely have). She told me he was there and so I giggled on the way over telling my husband, "You have to come in and meet this guy." I figured Dickweed Jr. would be a little nervous to meet the DAD. He already knows I don't particularly care for him. My daughter has told him what my nickname for him is. I don't think he was too happy to hear it. (HA) Of course he calls me Lornia Bobbit behind my back (I wonder if that has something to do with the fact I almost cut the balls off one of her ex-boyfriends about 8 years ago...another story for another post).

Did he pass the DAD test? HELL NO! Yea he is a nice enough guy, but we just do not trust him. Time will tell and hopefully he will not loose his balls in the process of dating my daughter.

I post...the BALL story.


Anonymous said...

Another funny! post i really enjoy reading your posts time to time ..
thanx for posting
P.S i love that dog

web-betty said...

LOL, good story :) I want to know what the dad test is...